The Aid & Attendance
Sign Up Today.
- After completing your registration, a free phone consultation will be scheduled with our Veteran Benefits Administrator (Fellow Veteran) to discuss the Aid & Attendance Benefits available to you.
- We will review the Application Process, Eligibility Requirements and answer any questions regarding your long term health care needs.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Any War-Time Veteran that served at least 90 days of active duty with 1 day beginning or ending during a period of War.
- Must be sixty-five (65) years and older, blind and/or totally disabled.
- Must meet medical and financial standards established by the Veterans Administration.
- Must require the assistance of another person to perform some activities of daily living.
- Must have on average less than $80,000 in assets excluding your home and vehicles. A surviving spouse must have been married
- A surviving spouse must have been married to the veteran at the time of his passing.
- Separation papers (DD-214) must not state a Dishonorable Discharge.